Preparing for the First Day of School
Your child will adjust with enthusiasm to their new environment and their classmates – and will do so more quickly if you maintain a confident and relaxed attitude.

Fifth Grade Forum
Fifth Grade Forum is well underway in Ms. Richardson’s class this year. Born of a desire to instill a culture of kindness and social awareness in our classrooms, the Forum provides students with an opportunity to engage in weekly conversations and reflections around topics of identity, kindness, conflict resolution, diversity, and justice.

Sixth Grade Seminar
By studying the inspirational stories of those who came before us, The Sixth Grade Seminar provides students with opportunities to use their voices, to make connections, think critically, and learn more about the lives of important people in history, as well as themselves.
Reflections on Gratitude
As we move through the season of the light, Native American History Month, and into the winter holiday season, we are met with many opportunities for acknowledging others and expressing gratitude. This month and this season, that is where my priority will be: remembering that everyone is experiencing an equally sacred life of their own, and the importance of acknowledging all people, as best we can, with equity.

Media Mindfulness
Waldorf education protects childhood by prioritizing real-world experiences in children’s formative years.

Why Waldorf Students Knit
A child who is knitting a hat or a toy kitten sees their will transformed into art. They see their focused, detailed work turn into something beautiful and purpose filled. They experience how the conceptual becomes concrete. But knitting also teaches more than abstract concept mastery. It also teaches simple and complex mathematics; hand, eye and brain coordination; sensory integration; and resiliency of habit... all while promoting peace of mind.