Kasea Rowland Myers

Early Childhood Lead Teacher, Apple Tree


M. Ed., Waldorf Elementary Education, with a specialization in Early Childhood, Antioch University

BFA, University of the Arts

Kasea says, “Waldorf pedagogy approaches education through the lens of the heart, connection, creativity, and relationships. It cultivates humanity and offers an education in motion, for life, not just the school-age years. Balanced in head, heart and hands, this is the education needed for the health of humanity in the future. I teach out of Waldorf pedagogy for these reasons and although I have taught children from First Grade through high school, I remain in Early Childhood to preserve and cultivate the heart of love that sits in the center of our beings and ignites the fires of true education, lively interest and care for ourselves, our communities and our world.”

Kasea’s past work with and commitment to social justice and DEIJ organizations brought her to Waldorf Education. In her Kindergarten, she embraces this work in many ways, including sharing family cultures through different festivals and celebrations, cooking with foods and spices from around the world, and offering stories from diverse cultures, lifestyles, and family structures. The children in her class see themselves reflected in the dolls and other playthings in the classroom, where Kasea helps the children cultivate an environment of love and understanding for one another.

Kasea loves nature and has worked with healing and reconnecting herself and others to the natural world for over 30 years. She has written plays and musicals that have been performed all over Philadelphia, including the first few Philly Fringe festivals and The Women’s Theater Festival. She writes and performs music and has played most of Philly’s professional music venues. Kasea also teaches teachers through workshops at annual conferences held by the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN) and the Association of Waldorf Schools of North America (AWSNA) .