Honoring Pride Month
Celebrating diversity and identity expansiveness is an active task. As we commit to being an affirming and empathic space of understanding and celebration, we invite everyone to find ways to acknowledge and champion LGBTQIA+ narratives, past and present, this month and always!

What Does It Mean to Be an Ally?
This past week in Seventh Grade Health and Body Wellness class, we began discussing different types of human identities. As they dove into all the different ways a person can show up in the world, in preparation for our work around personal identity formation, students paused to answer the question: “what does it mean to be an ally?”

Finding Our Way: Reflecting on the Legacy of Bayard Rustin
This is a call to action for creativity and “sticktoitiveness.” If we are willing, we can lean into finding ways to engage: changing our ways, finding our way again, and finding new ways still.

The Season of Light
In this season, the invitation to plant seeds of intention is ripe. The New Year in the Gregorian calendar is like the turning of a page. While January 1 often feels somewhat arbitrary, the Solstice (and the New Moon!) provide concrete moments of change and renewal. This renewal that marks the coming of “more light” is exciting and important.

Community Partnerships: Germantown Community Fridge
During the month of January, our entire community will be working collaboratively to continue our partnership with Germantown Community Fridge.

Sixth Grade Seminar
By studying the inspirational stories of those who came before us, The Sixth Grade Seminar provides students with opportunities to use their voices, to make connections, think critically, and learn more about the lives of important people in history, as well as themselves.
Reflections on Gratitude
As we move through the season of the light, Native American History Month, and into the winter holiday season, we are met with many opportunities for acknowledging others and expressing gratitude. This month and this season, that is where my priority will be: remembering that everyone is experiencing an equally sacred life of their own, and the importance of acknowledging all people, as best we can, with equity.

Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Heritage Month is unique among heritage months in that it doesn't start and end within the same month. Instead, it begins on September 15th to honor the independence days of several Latin American countries and ends on October 15th.